Monday, February 22, 2010

Kaeng Phanaeng Kung (Shrimp Curry with Basil)

A friend recently told me that I make a lot of North African dishes, and that is true.  Moroccan tagines are a great way to whip up something quick, easy and exotic.  However, it was also a signal, at least from myself, that I need to explore and develop more.  For me, that means confronting my fear of authentic asian cuisine.  Fear is probably too strong a word, trepidation may be better, but it is that feeling in the face of something complex and poorly understood.  The last shrimp recipe I posted last week was very simple.  Coming from Portugal, it is easy to see why.  It contained ingredients that could survive on a ship for 6 months sailing back from the spice islands to Europe.  Basically, from a barrel of curry powder.
This recipe from The Food of Thailand: A Journey for Food Lovers represents the next step in my journey into the complexity and beauty of Asian cuisine.  In addition to our curry base, come not only coconut milk, but also fish sauce and palm sugar.  The latter is something for which brown sugar can substitute, but their is no substitute for Thai fish sauce.  While used sparingly, it adds layers of complexity impossible to find elsewhere.  This recipe also uses yellow curry paste instead of the more common green or red curries.  Yellow is my favorite because it contains the cumin and turmeric spices I love.  Red curry paste is also made from red peppers, but uses less coriander and includes galangal (ginger) and no cumin.  Green curry from green peppers instead of red will also include lime skin or leaves.  All that said, just go buy a jar of your favorite at the store, along with a little bottle of fish sauce.  Stick it in a shelf in your fridge and use it for dishes like this.  A further note, I like my dishes very "saucey" so that not only the meat and vegetables are coated, but the rice added to a bowl can soak up the broth.  If you don't need so much sauce, just cut the recipe in half.  Serves 2.
1/2 lb shrimp, shelled
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp yellow (or green or red) curry paste
1 can coconut milk
2 tsp fish sauce
1 tsp palm (or brown) sugar
1/2 red bell pepper, julienned
handful of sweet basil leaves, torn
Heat the oil over medium heat in a saucepan or wok and stir fry the paste a minute or two to release the flavors.  Add the coconut milk, fish sauce, sugar and bell pepper and cook for a minute, mixing the ingredients fully and bringing them to a simmer.  Add the shrimp and cook a few minutes until the shrimp are cooked through.  Mix in the basil leaves if desired, or serve the dish and garnish by dropping the leaves on top.

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