Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuna with Wasabi Potatoes and a Ginger-Soy Vinaigrette

Some days are for Panang curry and some for P.F. Changs.  Some days are for traveling to exotic locales, and some days are for going to the mall.  Some days are for authentic and some days are for, well, ginger-soy vinaigrettes.  I can’t imagine anything like that exists in nature, or any authentic Asian kitchen.  And yet, these tastes still provide us enjoyment.  That doesn’t mean they are plain or boring.  They can be vibrant and exciting, pairing things in ways that satisfy our sights and senses.  Cooking doesn’t always need to be an expression of snobbery, or elitism or any other –ism that separates or divides.  Cooking authentic recipes is important for its own sake, as a way to learn, appreciate and value things that are unique and special.  But we ourselves are also unique and special, so even if something is more common at an American mall than an Asian food stall, it’s ok to eat that once in a while too if it makes us happy and keeps us interested.  Take this recipe combination for example.  It pairs wasabi mashed potatoes with a ginger-soy vinaigrette topping seared tuna.  I can’t imagine that any true Asian cook makes mashed potatoes, much less adds wasabi too them.  But why not, this is still America, we can do what we want.  And tuna, tired of delicate, boring or just not that exciting?  Hit it with a bold vinaigrette zinging with ginger and soy.  Tomorrow, you can prepare a sauce the French way, or steam things the Japanese way.  But tonight, Honey grab the keys, we’re going to the mall.  Serves 2.
2 potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 tbsp milk
2 tbsp butter, melted butter
1 tsp wasabi powder
2 tbsp plus ½ cup canola oil
2 tuna steaks
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp minced ginger
2 tbsp cilantro, finely chopped
Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil and add the potatoes.  Reduce to a light boil and cook for 15 minutes.  When the potatoes are done cooking, drain and run through a ricer and back into the hot pot.  Add the milk and butter and stir.  Add more milk if desired for a smoother consistency.  Mix the wasabi powder with 2 tsp of water and then stir into potatoes.  Season further if desired, cover and keep warm.  Add 2 tbsp of oil to a nonstick pan over medium-high heat.  Season the tuna with salt and pepper and then when the oil is smoking add to the pan.  Sear the tuna on one side for a couple of minutes and then turn and sear a couple of minutes more and then remove.  Meanwhile, mix the soy, vinegar, garlic, lime juice and ginger.  Mix the cilantro into vinaigrette.  Slice the tuna and plate over the mashed potatoes.  Top with the vinaigrette.

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